Thursday, 6 June 2013

Rain & Mud

Mud and rain are the words of the week. It has been raining more or less nonstop since last Friday. While I generally don't have a problem with a good thunderstorm, the rain isn't forecasted to end until sometime this weekend. Meanwhile at the organopónico every other word I hear is "fango" meaning mud. The soil in Alamar is a special PEI brand of red that, due to the constant raining, coats everything it touches in a thick layer of red sludge. During our short walk home from the bus stop today three people pointed and laughed at the mud covered boots Katherine and I were sporting. I guess when you get back into the city it's less common to be caked in mud. This week we've moved on to working with the plantas ornamentales. So far we haven't seen much of the department as there isn't much work to do when it's pouring rain, but we have seen slugs the size of your thumb and these tiny red beetles that I've never seen in Canada. Next week we'll continue in the same department so hopefully the rain will stop long enough for us to get some work done. 

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